Bed bugs are undoubtedly one of the creepiest insects that can infest your home, and some of the most difficult to get rid of. These insects are small (5-7mm) and look flat and circular, but become more bloated and oval-shaped after they feed on blood, which they usually do at night while we sleep. Bed bugs were actually all but eradicated during the 40s and 50s, however in recent decades they have staged a comeback and are becoming more and more common. The EPA speculates that this rise in bed bugs may be due to “more travel, lack of knowledge about preventing infestations, and increased resistance of bed bugs to pesticides” so it’s important to call a professional who knows what they’re doing. Here are some other facts about bed bugs:
1. Bed Bugs Can Last a Long Time Without a Meal
Some say that the beg bug can go a year without feeding, that’s a bit too long, however, they can last 2-3 months without feeding at all, which means it’s all the more important to kill all of them lest they simply come back and re-infest the area again.
2. Bed Bugs Don’t Only Live in Your Mattress
Despite the name bed bug these insects can and will infest other areas of your home. We’ve found they particularly enjoy couches and recliners in the living room, as well in other pieces of furniture you may not expect like dressers and bedside tables. They seem to prefer cramped areas they can barely squeeze into which is why they are typically found along the seems in your mattress or between the cushions on your couch.
3. Bed Bugs Will Live in Any Environment
The cleanliness, or lack thereof, of your home has little to do with why you may get a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs are attracted to blood and warmth, not filth. They mostly hitch rides on your clothing or backpacks or on secondhand furniture to gain access to your home, they don’t just manifest out of nowhere. It’s best however to keep clutter down in your home because that will simply give them more hiding spots and a severely clutter home is almost impossible to treat because of this.
4. A Bed Bug Bite May or May Not Itch
Some people have an allergic reaction to a bed bug bite…others do not. Some cannot even feel a bed bug bite at all, and this is by no accident. The insects inject an anesthetic (numbing) and an anticoagulant (stops bleeding) into your skin when they bite. You may not notice you’ve been bitten until the bite marks appear, which can take 1-2 days after the bites.
5. Bed Bugs Are Becoming More Resistant to Pesticides
As mentioned at the start of this article these insects are making a comeback, and part of that is because of improper use of pesticides against them. Either using the wrong pesticide or an incorrect application method will not only fail to solve your bed bug issue, but could actually make them more resistant to future pesticide applications! So with bed bugs it really is important to call a professional to help you with your problem.
If you know or even suspect you may have bed bugs please call Big Tom’s Pest Control right away at 435-586-7337 or click the button below to set up an appointment online.